Borrowed Spaces

‘Beyond the shed, a line of trees fringe the river and I know the yellow canoe will still be moored to a river red gum and a rope will be hanging noose-like from an overhanging branch. Swinging on the rope carried us over the water and launched us shrieking into a deep dark pool. I remember how it always took a burst of courage to swing away from the bank and let go. I close my eyes. This picture in my head is a safe place to be.’ From the story Precipice

In this collection of twenty stories, Beverley Lello explores the spaces we inhabit in our lives, spaces that house memories or offer the possibility of discovery, solace and connection.

Of Beverley Lello’s previous collection, Tailwind, Anson Cameron said, ‘This is the sort of book I really enjoy: the stories are grounded in place, populated by people we all know, not fictional people, real people.’ Anson Cameron, author of Boy Hoodlum

To order a copy of  Borrowed Spaces first pay $20, which includes postage costs, by clicking on the PayPal icon below. Then email your postal address details to


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The Stories

 Precipice won the 2015 Mona Brand Short Story Award and was published in Award Winning Australian Writing, Melbourne Books, 2016

Sounds like Rain won the Booranga Prize for the best short story in fourW twenty-seven and was published in fourW twenty-seven, fourW press, 2016, and Award Winning Australian Writing, Melbourne Books, 2017

Borrowed Spaces won the 2016 Ex Libris Port Fairy Festival of Words ‘Winds of Change’ Story Writing Competition

Tracings was placed second in The Ethel Webb Bundell Short Story Award, 2014

No Bigger than My Thumb was published in A Tick Tock Heart and other award-winning stories, Stringybark Publishing, 2014

A Small Affair was Highly Commended in the Trudy Graham/Julie Lewis Literary Award, 2018

Tethered was Highly Commended in The Ethel Webb Bundell Short Story Award, 2018

Lipstick and Mirrors was published in Side by Side and other award-winning stories, Stringybark Publishing, 2014

The Lovely Trunk was a finalist in The Society of Women Writers Tasmania 2016 Short Story Competition

Blue Day was short-listed in the Newcastle Short Story Award, 2018 and published in the Newcastle Short Story Award Anthology, 2018

Visiting Andy won The Ethel Webb Bundell Short Story Award, 2018

Things that are Found in Trees won the 2012 Margaret River Short Story Competition and was published in Things that are found in trees & other stories, Margaret River Press, 2012

The Dotted Line was published in Country Style Magazine, January 2015

Surfacing was published in fourW twenty-six, fourW press, 2015

No Shelter was Highly Commended in the 2015 Ex Libris Port Fairy Festival of Words Beryl Franklin Short Story Competition and short-listed in the Words in Winter Writers’ Festival, 2018