Tailwind launched at the WriteAroundtheMurray Festival in September, 2016 by Anson Cameron
In the launch speech Anson said: “Here’s how Beverley organizes a car crash, a cruel thing to do to a man, get him involved in a car crash when he’s daydreaming sexy daydreams about his wife. Even crueler, the accident leaves him catatonic, a virtual vegetable… but his wife (or Beverley, or both) goes on to heal him with music… the very music he was listening to when he had the crash. The story is called Strawberry Toes, and it’s a tough story, but in the end it’s a story full of hope. Which seems to me to represent Tailwind pretty well. There’s drought, domestic violence, there are all of life’s travails. The book, in a sense asks that old Shakespearean question… “To be, Or not to be…” And always comes down on the side of “Be”. A wonderful affirmation that, despite all, we can cope.
I urge you all to buy a copy of Tailwind. Bev I hope the book flies off the shelves like a flock of galahs. Congratulations.”

If you would like to read one of the stories included in Tailwind, click on the following link:
Publication and Awards (2018 – 2022)
Borrowed Spaces (short story anthology) 2018 (see separate page)
One hundred and eight stairs – second place in the Friends of Paynesville Library Short Story Competition 2019
Motel – second place in the Sutherland Shire Literary Competition, 2019 and published in Fabian (The Australian Fabians Review) Issue 3 – Summer 2022
Seedlings – published in Lasting Conversations Stories on Ageing – edited by Dr Susan Ogle and Melanie Joosten 2020
The Memory Keeper – published in Close to Heaven and other award-winning stories, Stringybark Publishing 2020
Walk, don’t run – shortlisted for the Tasmanian Writers Prize, 2020 – published in Forty South Short Story Anthology 2020
Three Red Rosettes – first place in the Margaret Hazzard Short Story Competition, 2020
Pippa & Son – third place in the Friends of Paynesville Library Short Story Competition, 2020
The Coffee Drinkers – second place in the Mid North Coast Writers’ Centre Short Story Competition 2021
The Old Black Kettle and Nesting – highly commended in the Short Stories Unlimited Four Seasons Anthology 2022